Wednesday, November 5, 2008

137 East Main

when i was home for my high school reunion this summer, i drove by the house i lived in from the time i was two until i was in 7th old are you in that grade? 12? 13? when i was younger, the yard was huge! now, not so much. it looks small. there on the corner, where that bush is? there used to be a giant tree. it had a hole in it....apparently when it was cut down, many, many newspapers were found inside of it.
i loved this house. i would give almost anything to see the inside. almost anything.


Perry said...

I have done that too, drive by a childhood house and just itch to go in and see.......

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Me too. And you itch to go and knock but what will you do if some complete stranger knocks on your door asking to come in? Makes me want to go for a drive.

iteach7 said...

In April of 2007, I drove past my house in IL. I was with my sister and mentioned to her how I would do anything for a part of the evergreen tree that was in the front yard. My grandfather and I planted it in the spring of 1976 when it was no taller than 12 inches. It is now HUGE!!! She parked the car and walked to the front door and knocked. I watched as she explained to the new tenents that her sister had planted the tree and wanted a piece. The teenaged kids stared at her, said whatever and closed the door. She went and took a branch, and we left. I toted the thing around for the rest of the trip and have it still. It means a lot to me!

(How weird is this???? The verification word is theor. My grandfather's name was Theodore. Spooky!!)

(Ok. This verification thing is really creepy. For some odd reason, the person typing this commented about the verification word and then typed it wrong. The new word is adunsl...As in A Duncel. UGH!!! That would be me.)