Monday, October 20, 2008



Firefly the Travel Guy said...

So how did your half marathon walk go? I take it you are a bit stiff this morning.

that girl said...

I was stiff yesterday! I feel okay just sore. I walked the entire thing in 3 hours 44 minutes. I wasn't walking for time but it certainly was different than the breast cancer walk. you can read more about it at my other blog..

*how can I put the web address into a link?

Mark Kwasny said...

Love the contrast of the deep blue sky with the red balloons. Do you Photoshop these at all??

that girl said...

mark~I do not I wrote in a much earlier post when it was suggested I change to BW, I did not know how! I only use the options on my camera...color, BW, etc. I sometimes will crop to get rid of objects in the photo that seemt to take away from the shot I was trying to get, but other than that, no, I don't photoshop, etc.

thanks for stopping by.