Friday, January 16, 2009

for the first time

for any of you who might know our three cats, this has never happened before. the tiger cat, scooby, is only four years old. the gray cat, nightro, is 14. our third cat, not pictured, bosco, is 13. scooby was adopted when he was two and was very shy, skitterish, and not a very lovable cat. he usually sleeps by himself so when I saw this, I had to try to capture it. I was sitting next to them so getting a good shot was difficult at best. I just couldn't believe it.
so I guess friends can be made after years of trying.


Mom of Three said...

Sometimes Saki (who pesters Esther nonstop) will curl up with her at night.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Mew, mew. mew... Sorry, just wanted to comment something to the cats.

Anonymous said...

Awww they are so cute. I responded to what you left me... so check it out if you get time.