Sunday, December 7, 2008

me, black and white

so I must admit. I did not take this photograph. but my Dad did....I thank my Dad for my love of photography. you can read about him here. I am about 8 or so in this photograph. the jewelry and headband came straight out of the halloween box. I grew up in a house where every halloween, "the box" came out. it was full of great things to dress up. some of the things were old, like the black Dracula cape. my great uncle's friend made it. and yup, I have the cape. always have since I moved out and always will. I have a box for my kids, too. it comes out early October and then it goes away the first week of November.

traditions, aren't they great?


Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I also have a Dracula cape that I've had for years and years now. I try and use it whenever I get the opportunity.

Traditions are great. We are trying to create traditions to do with our kids every year.

Its Time to Live said...

makes me remember all the photos that I should have taken as the kids were growing up and all the shots printed and then filed away... somewhere.

k said...

...wish i can be 8 again! love the 'pearls' sj